Landon Howell

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Four goal-setting mistakes of Startup Marketers

1. Only setting goals for KPIs, like revenue or MQL goals.

Merely setting revenue or MQL goals can be a narrow approach. Effective goal-setting requires a comprehensive strategy that includes different facets of marketing beyond just leads and sales targets. It should connect with the larger narrative of the company's marketing perceptions and align with broader business objectives.

2. No goals for testing, long-term projects, and ops work.

Without goals for testing and operations, innovation and efficiency are missed. Establishing objectives in these areas encourages a forward-thinking mindset, ensuring that the marketing strategy remains dynamic and adaptable to changes.

3. Setting goals that aren't measurable.

Goals must be quantifiable. By setting measurable goals, you ensure that every initiative contributes to growth and can be fine-tuned based on performance data, reflecting the importance of data-driven decision-making in marketing.

4. Setting “quantity of” or busywork goals instead of impact-focused goals.

Goals should drive meaningful impact, not just activity. Quantity-oriented goals can lead to busy work that doesn't necessarily contribute to the company's growth or marketing efficiency. Focusing on impact helps prioritize tasks that truly move the needle.