Books for startup marketing and growth teams

These three books I give to members of my startup marketing teams. I think every growth/marketing person should read them at the first chance they get.

I’ve got a full list of the 100 best books for startups and entrepreneurs, but the following are ideal for those in growth and marketing.

✏️ Smart Brevity is essential for anyone in any organization who writes copy in 2023. It's the book I wish I would've written about writing and content in our current information-saturated world.

🟒 The takeaway: Brevity is confidence. Length is fear."

πŸš— Super Pumped serves as both an inspiration and a cautionary tale. The competitive culture that enabled Uber's growth and rapid ascension was the same culture that lacked explicit ethical guardrails.

🟒 The takeaway: Company values are useless without acknowledging the trade-off. 

🎨 Steal Like An Artist is an easy read that describes ten principles to boost creativity. Creativity is built on the past.

🟒 The takeaway: Nothing is original. Everything is a remix.


How to ask questions better


Crypto is back. It’s been back.